There is something of the divine in all living things.. some of the greatest thinkers in history have concluded this.
If you are looking for a way to directly help the natural world, and in the process improve the quality of life of those you care about, this may well be for you.
In this first stage of this social experiment, we are seeking 4000 participants around the world. People who are prepared to actively participate in the World Renovation Project.
This initiative is from Big Sunny Joy
Its purpose is to bring harmony to our World.
We will encourage you to take direct personal action to help our natural world in its fight for survival.
For us this has become a personal pilgrimage.
A pilgrimage on your own can be a lonely experience.
It has the potential to be a lot more rewarding when you team up with other people.
So why not Join us.
Contact us. Together , we can make the world a better place.
Exponential problems require Exponential solutions.
Are you willing to help find them?