" A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step".... (Lao Tzu)
Why not embark on a journey of self discovery?
I am pretty sure its not just me who is struggling to come to terms with the idea that as a human, as part of a human wave, I am currently part of a problem for our home planet. Why should it be so?
It seems to me that it wasn't meant to be, and it does not have to be that way. There must be a way to live your life in a manner that makes you an asset to the world. After all, who wants to be a liability?
For me, it all began with our daily walks, through which inspiration flows. It has led to a journey of discovery which I call it a pilgrimage, and by that, I mean I see it as a journey of transformation. A journey towards a more harmonious co-existence with the world.
Please do not think it is necessary to follow a particular religion, faith or belief system or person. For in the sense I mean it, this journey is open to anyone who cares enough to take part. It is basically a journey home, to reconnect with and help the natural world.
It can be pretty much adapted to whatever your personal circumstances are. It is not difficult, and anyone is qualified to begin. It is open to anyone who cares enough to start it. You can do it alone, or you can cooperate with others.
I see the journey as a mission, with a purpose, that has the potential to open the doors to self discovery and self fulfillment... All as a by product of simply trying to help our natural world.
I came across a definition of a pilgrimage which I particularly like. It comes from Macrina Wiederkehr (Behold your Life ).
"A pilgrimage is a ritual journey, with a hallowed purpose. Every step along the way has meaning. The pilgrim knows that life giving challenges will emerge. A pilgrimage is not a vacation, it is a transformational journey during which significant change takes place. New insights are given. Deeper understanding is attained. New and old places in the heart are visited. Blessings are received and healing takes place. On return from the pilgrimage life is seen with different eyes. Nothing will ever be quite the same again."
A pilgrimage can be just a meaningful personal journey. It can be an opportunity to reflect and grow. It can be a solitary experience, or it can be a highly social one. Whatever sort it is, the opportunities for learning are always there.
An open mind and a simple willingness to help make a difference is all that is required.
In a way we are all at different stages of our own personal pilgrimages, so the view, the perspective, is different for all of us. The issues we are struggling with, and the solutions found, will all be...different and unique.
It is valuable to get another perspective, so it is good to hear of issues, ideas, solutions, or tips that others have discovered on there own journey’s, and we would like to hear more about these.
In any event take the first step on your own pilgrimage.
“'The journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step.”
(Lao Tzu)