Questions are powerfull things. They help to illuminate the path to solutions.
Questions such as ...why do things have to be the way they are?.. Is there not a better way?....What can we personally do to help find it?... or...How can I contribute to a better world?.
There are so many aspects of modern life that we accept without question. Should we do so?
Following on from last week, I want to emphasise that no matter what the outcomes short term, I can see some positive in the fact that electorates are beginning to question, beginning to seek change.
In fact you could go further. You could say that they give reason for hope, because they prove that seismic change is possible.
For we now live in an era where the tools have never been better to enable this process. They are available to more and more of us.
The technology is there to connect, to inspire, to organise, to form groups, to form movements to form revolutions. It has already happened throughout the world. Movements, political uprisings.
To be clear here, I am advocating the intelligent use of this power for the purpose of good. with the aim of bringing more Joy, more hope , more peace, to our world home. I am talking about a soft revolution, a raising of our levels of consciousness.
Individually we may feel powerless, but together we are strong. Together we can change the world so lets try to make sure that we are seeking to change the things that need to be changed, for the right reasons.
The right questions can shape the process.
Short term performance versus long term vision and stability. Emotional reaction versus wisdom. Sprint or marathon...Hopelessly lost Versus a sense of direction..
What we need now is a sense of long term vision, a sensible course that honours us and honours the world we live in. I say this because I believe that future inhabitants of our home will look back with abhorrence at many of our current norms.
Throughout history, with the benefit of hindsight, we see that accepted practices were in fact wrong. Currently a lot of our accepted practices are I believe morally and ethically wrong.
Despite all our advances in technology, we are stuck with our stone age mindsets. We have until now failed to live up to our potential. We have failed in our duties as guardians of this planet.
The right questions, asked now, could make all the difference.
Currently it feels like we are zig zagging in a random ,chaotic emotional manner without a long term plan or destination. The short term nature of our electoral processes, needs to be somehow balanced with meaningful long term objectives.
Vast sums of money were apparently spent on the last election campaign in the US. Was it money well spent or was it wasted. Where could it have been better spent? What long term good could have been done with it?
How many great candidates are out there who will never have the chance, because they do not have access to sufficient funding? Why is their not more choice?
Could not one person with a computer now become a catalyst for change without a huge war chest? Could that not be an inflection point towards a better world?
In a world of interconnectedness who knows?
Empower yourself. Ask some questions.
Particularly ask questions of the corporations, governments and institutions you support. if you don't like the answers... withdraw your support.
People are powerfull things. Together they are strong.