Sunny and Boy letting off some steam.
It is a quiet period here in the garden as I have let it go a bit back to nature for the oncoming winter. So its a good point to try something new, and for me and Sunny that means a bit of a diet.
We are both at that sort of age where you have to adapt your lifestyle a bit, and just like me Sunny is crazy about food, and just like me, the pounds have come on a bit over the last few months. In my case quite a bit.
A few weeks ago I was shocked to discover that my weight had spiraled up to 103 kg, with a big lump of that fatty stuff coming on since the spring. That is 16.2197 English stones!
For some time i had been feeling pretty unfit, and when I discovered I was carrying all that extra baggage things started to make sense. Truthfully a few weeks ago I was feeling so energy less and lethargic, I concluded it would be almost impossible to shift the stuff.
That is not a nice place to be in, and now I have a lot more respect for other people wrestling with a weight problem. The psychological baggage of feeling that you have lost control of your body is not nice.
I did not have the energy, and I could not muster the willpower to start exercising. For a short period I gave up, and accepted this was the new me. Only the new me did not fit in my clothes any more so, so this was going to get expensive as well.
It was clearly time for action , but what to do?
The only thing I could think of was to stop eating what was clearly unhealthy for me.
And while I was considering that conundrum a spark of inspiration hit me, for funnily enough a lot of what is bad for me is also bad for our planet.
What if i could make some simple adjustments to my diet that would help me to loose weight with ease?..and be of benefit to helping shape a better world?
All I can say for now is that I have made a promising start.
As for Sunny.. well somehow I have to keep her away from the cat biscuits.