Reflections on the solstice

view from 2016

view from 2016

This is the time for reflection on the death of the sun before the cycle of life starts to turn again.

Its also a good time to reflect on the state of our planet circling around it. Unfortunately its not good news.

Just some of the high (or low)lights include crashing world populations of insects, an alarming escalation in the thawing of the arctic, and a tsunami of plastic, pesticides and herbicides.

I have been reflecting on the changes I have personally witnessed in the last 3 years. My home town Folkestone, is in the process of being swamped with un-thought out and very loosely regulated development as The garden of England looses its garden.

Here in Holland I have witnessed how the nature in Drenthe, (a region that prides itself on .. its nature.!) is being  decimated by intensive farming practices which are severely damaging to the region and the world.

Bad news EVERYWHERE...!

I started my personal journey on this route almost around 3 years ago, after years spent witnessing things go wrong, and doing frankly very little about it. I became very depressed at what I was witnessing, and at one point I gave up hope for our world.

That is such a powerless place to be in, the place of crushed spirit. 

My dogs played a part in pulling me through it and I resolved to take personal action, and to try to increase awareness of what is going on. I came to the conclusion that most of us are too busy surviving modern stressfull lives to care.

But why are our lives so stressfull? where are the improvements we were led to expect in this shiny modern new age of technological innovation?

Why is there so much stress , unhappiness, tension, depression?

I believe it is because we are increasingly loosing touch with the natural world and our true identity as children of nature. We have lost track of where true quality of life comes from.

Until we find our way back we are personally doomed to experience dissatisfaction and a lack of fulfillment, and our world is doomed to lurch from one self inflicted crisis to the other.

We are the problem. Its now time to become the SOLUTION.

Its time to stand up.