What is Your Net Worth?

A Valentines present. The first Crocus.

A Valentines present. The first Crocus.

If you are really bothered about this question, then this piece is for you.

Television provides us with a useful window on our societies values and norms.

I have just watched a programme in which a matchmaker tries to find American Millionaires a partner, and I was struck by how every self profile began with a name and then a reference to their ''Net Worth"'.

Something in this Buzz terminology leapt out at me. It is in a way a sad indictment of the values of modern society.

Exactly what does that term mean, if you follow the logic in it? Does it mean that if you have a net worth of 1 million dollars, you are in some way not as worthy as the millionaire with 10 million dollars sitting in the bank?

And what about me then? with my considerably smaller net worth? Or a student teacher or nurse with limited resources available? Or a rural farmer on a small holding in India? or a new born child in some far flung war torn part of Africa.  What is our net worth?

What IS YOUR net worth? Do you measure it in dollars in the bank? or possibly, do you have a broader definition of it? How rich is your life? How valuable is it? What are you worth?

All good questions, and everyone will have their own definition. Is it really your own definition of worth? Or are you being influenced by the cultural norms of a society which seems increasingly to have lost the plot?

Worth, the richness, could also be measured in terms of happiness, joy, fulfilment, contribution.

Success is a multi faceted thing, and if you care to look , you will see that many of the people we celebrate as being ""successful"', are in reality extremely unsuccessful human beings. For what good is success without fulfilment?

Sure you can buy the baubles and stick an extra plaster on your pain, but in the end there is no substitute for a life well lived.

To often we are absorbed with trivial, meaningless things like celebrity role models. Our world is becoming more virtual. There is a lot more air under it than substance.

Finding a good way through the morass of trivial diversions, propaganda and preoccupations with success and ''Worth" is pretty difficult. Measure yourself against some of the illusions of today, and you will become lost.

So what do you do if you feel you have become lost in this maze?

More wisdom and simplicity is probably never a bad thing, but where can you find it? 

Sometimes a pause on a journey to look back at where you came from, and take your bearings is a good thing.

Cutting out the background noise and disturbance is not easy. Being guided by your inner compass to make some kind of contribution along the way, is probably not a bad starting point for the journey to fulfilment.

So..... How do YOU define your net worth?