Big Boy and Sunny taking a break from digging
Just a short news post this week, as the personal renovation project is in full swing here., and it has been taking up all my time. Luckily as you can see I have a pair of helpers with the inevitable digging work.
I will be writing further over this valuable experience in a later post, but meanwhile lets just say the above two have been a great help.
The first phase of spring is beginning to fade away, in so far as the snowdrops and crocuses, are beginning to wilt, but what a spectacular display they have made this year. truly beautiful.
Meanwhile spring continues all around, as this week I have seen and heard the first skylark, and seen the first pair of plovers wheeling through the air over the nearby fields.
I am particularly concerned over the plovers as this year I have seen only one pair, and normally by now I have seen groups of them flying into the area. These groups later seem to form up into pairs which go onto try to nest.
Two years ago we had around 20 nesting pairs along our walk route, who were largely unsuccessful, as there nests were destroyed by one weekend of intense farming activity. Last year significantly less returned.
Last year was officially the year of the plover(Kiewit) in Holland, and it turned out to be another complete disaster for them nonetheless. That does not bode well for them. The sad truth is that despite the extra media attention, Iwitnessed a repeat of the yearly destruction.
Because the weather here has been pleasant spring weather, the farmers are already active in the fields here, which may be a blessing in disguise as any birds that are now returning may well find these fields are too busy to nest in and find somewhere safer.
I started this project because of what we have witnessed over the years with these brave little birds, and their struggle for survival. I will be keeping a close eye on how things develop this spring.
There is also some good news as I have seen the first pied wagtail back from his winter travels and I have been hearing more curlews in the area. Their call is something special, hauntingly beautifull. Long may we continue to hear it.
I very much hope spring for you is also full of life.