A thought for Easter

The first leaves from the latest additions to our Renovation Prject

The first leaves from the latest additions to our Renovation Prject

Happy Easter. A time when the Christian world celebrates resurrection from the dead, miracles, wonders.

spring has its own natural processes of awakening, renewal, birth. It is a life affirming time when we can wonder in the power of nature and its timeless processes.

Often despite our negligence, stupidity, and our best efforts to destroy it, nature has shown a capacity to resurrect itself, to come back from the brink, to re-establish itself. We push it to its limits, but it faithfully tries to hold on.

But how far are those limits really? Are we pushing too far , too fast, like I think we are? Are we coming to a point where we push large sections of it over the edge, to a place of damage from which it can no longer come back?

Would this not be a desolate place, .... where we lived in a world that was no longer strong enough to heal itself. A world which had lost its ability to regulate its essential functions, its living breathing biosphere, ... the place upon which we are wholly dependant for our own survival?

When I look out on the desolate fields around here, where so much destruction has occurred, in such a short space of time, I wonder if we are fast approaching the tipping point I fear. The point where a domino effect of extictions occurs.


I started this site because I believe that if we act now, with purpose and intention, it is not too late to help our natural world resurrect itself. It is I believe still possible to perform miracles, and wonder upon wonder, you too can play a part. You can become a co- creator.

Many religions have at their heart, their centre, the notion of an omnipotent creator. Whatever your religion,... if you believe in a creator.... then he/she/it has created the world that we live in... If so, then how do you think it would judge the way we  treat its creations?

How would it judge the trail of extictions we are leaving in our wake, our callous disregard of the beauty, the perfect nature, the priceless nature, that we recklessly consume and destroy?

What would your God think of the world that we are now busy creating?


Anyone can consciously choose to buck the trend, chart their own course, follow their heart, their faith, what they feel is right. if you care to look, their is so much that could be done better, for their is simply so much that is so wrong.

Choose to start creating your own miracles. choose for life. choose for harmony.

Turn your back on all that is destructive.  Create life supporting enviroments. Help create life.

Celebrate the concept of resurrection. Embrace the idea of you, the creator.

Most importantly have faith that a better , fairer way is possible.