Hedgehog Heaven

Good News for Hedgehog lovers. They seem to be thriving here...

Last autumn we saw two smaller hedgehogs, one after the other, wandering through the back garden, and yesterday we saw another.

Or I should say that Big Boy helped our survey by leaving one by the back door. I promptly picked him up (with thick gardening gloves!) and placed him in a safe , quiet corner of the garden.

Unharmed, but a little puzzled by its experience, it disappeared back into the bushes.


On the international front, there is naturally much news over an alleged decision to attempt to renege on the Paris Climate accord.

Many people might conclude that when someone, (especially a representative for a nation), effectively seems to fail to honour an agreement of any kind, that represents a breach of trust.

How can you do business with them in the future? The basis of trust, the goodwill, is eroded, and it is difficult to restore.

It raises the question of lack of judgement. Short term thinking.


In England an election is looming. Full of promises for change. Choose wisely with an eye on the future health of the natural world in which we live in.