A Good News Story!

I love a bit of good news , especially theses days.

Yesterday I came across an inspiring story of a project in Austria to reintroduce northern bald iris chicks to the wild. The news report stated that their are only 200 of these birds remaining in the wild.

Once a common site throughout Europe and North Africa, these enchanting(but not particularly good looking!) birds have previously been decimated  by hunting, and a project at Schonbrunn zoo in Austria, is going to great lengths to re introduce them.

An excellent article on this project can be found at  (www.audubon.org/magazine/fall-2016/raising-northern-bald-iris-chicks-requires-lot.)

In Essence the chicks are hand raised by two team members for 6 months, so that eventually they can be led by microlight aircraft  over the old migration routes that their forefathers would have taken.

This is a truly inspiring story, and a good example of the sort of work that I label World Renovation Work.More information on it can be found at  (www.waldrapp.eu/index.php/en/project/project-info).