Nice picture of the dogs having fun!
Its been a while since the last post, so here's a short update on progress on our own WRP (world renovation project (: )!
Positive news from us and in the neighbourhood!
Last saturday we visited de Elzenhof. This is a small plant nursery , which has just celebrated its 10th birthday.
Established from nothing , this enterprise has brought an incredible amount of LIFE to the immediate area. The show garden and the plants for sale were awash in bees, moths ans butterflies, which is lovely to see in an area which has been badly affected by intensive agriculture.
I saw species of bumble bee which I have never seen before so we left with a plant and feeling inspired to do more.
It got me thinking. Our own WRP always goes a bit quiet in august, its as if the bees pack their bags and go on holiday.
Now I know where! Lesson learnt... we need more late summer bloomers, a lot more hopefully.
This is a perfect illustration of the recuperative power of nature, for given the right conditions and a bit of help, it can restore and heal itself.
And what is really inspiring is that the effects can ripple out to sorrounding gardens, and even further as these life sustaining plants are passed on to others doing their own bit for the natural world.
Back at home yesterday evening I had a treat. Sitting out back in the dusk ,I watched a small bat circling round the area of our honeysuckle. the first bat I have seen here. Awesome.
Small , but positive developements