Going Sane

Never mind about the disapearing birds and insects in the farmland around me... or the lack of swallows and house martins returning this year... or ...

Ignore the fact that WHEREVER you look around our precious planet nature is struggling.

Lets concentrate for one moment on the human cost of our modern experiment in living which seems to be going so terribly wrong. All around us , evidence of human casualties are to be found.

In one morning I shared with a very nice group of people (at a tennis club of all places,!) I  happened to hear a Physiotherapist who treats children taking about how so many of her clients where coming to her with modern lifestyle related problems stemming from inactivity and too much screen time.

Already there is an epidemic of myopia throughout the world in the older generations caused by our technologies. I know this because I am a victim of this personally.

Human evolution continues apace so will future generations have eyes and limbs that facilitate computer and "Smartphone " use?...

Social skills are also being lost on a real meaningful level. How often do you see people around a table wherever that may be, playing with there mobiles. How many of there connections are real friends, while they may be sorrounded by real friends and family?

Around the world , there is an epidemic of the real being substituted for the virtual.  The plastic grass in the garden syndrome.

Then theres the mental heath issue arising from modern living with all its new connectivity and demands for greater efficiency and ever better results. this comes when children of nature are forced to adopt participate in a lifestyle that ultimately was not of their choosing.

If you have had a work induced burnout, and are open and honest about it, you will almost certainly find a host of people that can identify with that. Try it , its very illuminating because you most certainly are not alone...

Try it also with your depressions and fear attacks,( if you have suffered from them).

It seems that its not the done thing to be open about the scars and wounds being inflicted by modern living, and the damage to us is immense.

Of course it brings with it many benefits ( I have the luxury to write about this now) ... but what is the real cost to us individuslly and to our world?

The best antidote I know is to try to embrace a more natural way of living... and at the very least to take a step back from the madness that seems to be the new normal.