Silent Spring

Over years of walking my dogs through areas of intensively farmed land , I have witnessed the sad spectacle of returning ground nesting birds such as lapwings and curlews trying to nest.

It is almost always unsuccessful and it makes me feel so powerless watching these fearless birds trying to defend their nests against the oncoming tractors.

Normally around this time of year, there is a brief period of respite and hope in the period before the farmers come out of their winter sleep. The fields echo to the haunting calls of these birds. Every year there is less of them, but they try again nonetheless.

They find a nest place , they begin.

If its a cold winter , or too wet the farmers are later beginning. We get to enjoy this optimistic period a little longer, but it always ends the same way as a wave of tractors and killing machines of various sizes and shapes take to the fields like an invading army.

The birds ultimately, try as they may do not stand a chance. Bravely they fly around the tractors. No evasive action is ever taken. No account is taken of these wonderful birds who have migrated here to a place that used to be home.

I think we can all relate to the feeling of going back to a place that previously felt like home, only to find its changed.

Our farming practices have changed beyond recognition in the last 50 years. Our farmlands, our country landscapes… are increasingly becoming bleak industrial landscapes which have beed stripped of all life that is considered not useful.

Millions of years of Evolution simply cannot cope with the scale of changes being unleashed by us.. we spray it, cut it, squash it , do everything to it possible except for making allowance for it.

Gradually the killing fields fall silent. Some birds try again (almost always unsuccessfully). You see forlorn looking birds at the side of the road for a period.. then they too leave.

Every year there is less of them. Soon without urgent action , there will be none.