It warms my heart to see that around the world, people are protesting and doing their best to bring attention to this crisis, that while ongoing for decades, is starting to escalate out of control. What is not so optimistic is the response to the burgeoning crisis from our leaders around the world.
Frankly they either dont have a clue what to do, or they dont give a damn because they have their own agenda to follow. As a result we get the ostrich approach, or buisiness and expansion as usual approach.. They have missed the fact that the party really ended some time ago.
The situation is so serious that only massive coordinated international action can save the day. The sort of action that we as individuals and consumers are encouraged to partake in.
It is time for the EU to step in with a coordinated and massive response for Europe as a whole. It is time for them to prove that true quality of life for its citizens (not a quasi economic sense of wellbeing) , is vital to the continued prosperity of what is in reality an economic block.
The EU urgently needs to demonstrate an awareness of the vital necessity for a healthy living enviroment for all living organisms, for without respect for the life around us, our own lives will become increasingly impoverished.
For too long EU policies have been creating enormous problems for the enviroment we live in. Its agricultural policies (the basis of its existence), have caused massive erosion of natural assets and quality of life throughout Europe.
Its fishing policies have not protected our seas.
Initiatives direct from Brussels have led to massive destruction and biodiversty loss to forests around the world in a misplaced attempt to meet carbon dioxide reduction targets by burning trees instead of coal. Where on earth is the wisdom in ACTIVELY persuing a policy that is eradicating one of the best solutions to climate change?.
Throughout Europe our migrating birds are left unprotected to poaching and illegal or questionable hunting practices. The Eu does not seem to have a policy / initiative/ or the will to deal with this issue.
A lot of pain is being inflicted on Europes biodiversity,, and that of the world by ill thought out EU policies.. Its time for them to step up to the challenge of putting things right. Our true life quality depends on it.