True Joy
How can you experience true wellbeing if you are not a well-being?
Ask yourself, honestly, how can you feel good when you are part of the problem?
If you care to look, you will find plenty of wrongs being done on your behalf, to add to any that you may your self be doing.
You may well ask, where is the joy in this?
LOOK BEYOND THE WORLD OF INSTANT GRATIFICATION! Be aware of the problems so you can aim to be part of the solution.
For there is joy to be found in contributing to a better world. You just have to be open enough to recieve it.
This is vital work in a world where we are currently the problem.
We need to change the equation, question our role in things and individually transform so that we can truly say we are part of the solution.
Questions are powerfull things,. Begin to ask more questions of the things you have been conditioned to accept as normal.
By simply TRYING to become part of the solution you WILL make a difference. Even inspiring others to do the same is a valuable contribution in itself.
There are so many ways to make small contributions, and when you scale up a lot of small contributions, fortune follows. A windfall for the world.
Why not consider the many benefits that will come your way, and the way of those you love, from making that transition?
If you have not already noticed it, in the test lab of your own life, then look out for the old cliche of karma. From my own experience there does seem to be something in it.
Why not then consciously set out to create some good karma in your life?
I can think of no better place to begin than trying to protect the divine place that is our biosphere..
Who knows you could be pivotal in setting off a chain reaction of good Karma that washes around the world. We could all do with as much good Karma as possible.
Please consider this.