Are You Bothered?


Enviromentalism for many people conjures up images of scruffy looking people Climbing up trees and cranes and hanging banners. Or being a nuisance while they are busy protesting.

Its proponents are often scoffed at, ridiculed, and end up increasingly falling foul of laws which seem to be often used to silence what is often seen as a group of awkward trouble makers.

I like this definition of enviromentalism, exerted from Wikipedia.

"At its crux, Enviromentalism is an attempt to balance relations between humans and the natural systems on which they depend in such a way that all the components are afforded a proper degree of sustainability."

It seems to me that what we are really talking about here is... Living in Harmony.

Further reference to Wikipedia revealed that there is apparently a "'precipitous decline in the publics interest "in the subject. Perhaps more worrying is that Americans are apparently now "more likely to be unsympathetic to an enviromental movement than in 2000".

Truthfully, I should think that pretty much applies to every nationality..

So why the increasing hostility to something intrinsically so important and worthwhile?

Wikipeda refers to a seeming connection to the Great depression of 2008 which is a "lingering factor"'.It concludes that..."These numbers point to the growing complexity of enviromentalism and its reationship to economics.."'

I see this as a worrying trend . I hope you do too, because at a pivotal moment when our natural world needs protecting like never before , our motivation to help seems to have plummeted.

Worse still, and largely motivated by our economic concerns, and the hectic busyness of modern lives, a lot of us seem to have become hostile to the whole concept.

How about you? Are you too busy to be bothered?

It is after all your home too.


With gratitude to the contributors to Wikipedia.
