Together we are strong

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"We are all connected....and collectively we have the potential to create solutions that will safeguard the future of this ...our one and only planet."

This quote taken from the current living planet report (www.panda. org) is another key, another piece of the jigzaw puzzle that is still as yet unsolved.

We live in a world of inter-connectivity, and our modern society and the processes of industrialisation, and globilisation that it has created, are constantly adding new layers of connectivity, within our own society. This has an impact on us and also the natural world.

Interconnectivity is everywhere, between us, between us and the natural world, and within the natural world itself.

Within the natural world, these interconnections have evolved slowly, over long periods of time. These interconnections are everywhere, and yet our knowledge of this rich world of interconnectivity is surprisingly primitive and basic. Vitally, we miss, or take for granted the essential balance that has naturally evolved.

These interconnections are sometimes obvious, sometimes microscopic and not visible. In a world of natural wonders, much of the wonder is in the details, that we do not see.

This natural balance, equilibrium, has withstood the test of time. It has provided all the essentials for us to thrive as a species alongside our natural world.

Within our modern world, our modern society, these interconnections are forming rapidlyas the process of modernising our society speeds up. In recent decades there has been an explosion of change, a process that seems to be increasing exponentially.

Our unleashing of the processes of industrialisation and globalisation, has in effect made our home, one giant test lab. The experiments we are now embarking upon have consequences. We tend not to see them untill the harm is done.

In a world of interconnectivity, one bit of harm, affecting one small element of the equilibrium, can ripple onwards, and chains of harm follow. As the dominos begin to fall, the harm becomes more apparent.

We can visualise this easily within our modern society. Imagine the internet ceased to function properly or at all through a small but vital misfunction. Imagine the chaos that would follow if we were not pepared for it.

Our natural world is not prepared for the tsunami of change we are unleashing on it. There is no way it could be.

Its natural processes are far too slow to adjust to the rapid process of change we are forcing upon it. This has become a dangerous era for our home, and in a world of interconnectivity for us.

The only solution I can see is for us to collectively to work on finding solutions, equilibrium and harmony. Now is the time for that.

That process can only begin when enough motivated individuals say ... enough. Its time for change.

Individuals can inspire others. Collective actions can follow from a place of co-operation, a place of creativity, a place of caring. It is time for us to access the most noble parts of our nature.

Imagine the benefits to humankind, to the world, that could follow from the wise application of our collective powers.

Collectively we have shown the talent, to create cities, build beautifull buildings, complete astonishing engineering projects, We have placed men on the moon.

We have also misused that talent to create ugly, dangerous, destructive things. Things that harm.

Its time now for inspiration, compassion and ...creativity.

Finding solutions to the problems we are busy creating, by cooperative, creative, caring action could be a catalyst for a better, more balanced, fairer, and healthier world.

Where you can, seek to be a part of inspiring the collective action that is necessary. Your role as an individual is vital to that process.

See the living planet report(