You, the solution.

"It is in ourselves who caused the problem, that we can find the solution".

This sentence taken from the WWF living planet report (  is a key to a lock to a toolkit of solutions.

If we pause and look back over the journey so far, it is clear that you, me, we are the problem.

I dont want to be part of the problem. Do you?

The problem is a big problem , because a lot of us dont see it, we are isolated from it.. it is somewhere else out there.

Ignorance of a problem is very damaging to the prospects of finding the urgently needed solutions, which lie out there patiently waiting.

It is not easy to confront and challenge a problem, when that problem is the way of life that we have been born into. When the problem is a human society that seems intent on pulling away from, disconnecting with, and ultimately destroying its home enviroment.

This process is a new phenomena which this world has never before experienced.  Where a single species is now starting to run out of control, by eroding the life supporting systems that have evolved over millenia.

I believe our society (us collectively) has become a bit lost. We badly  need a good working compass and a daily dose of good old fashioned wisdom to see us through the next phase of our journey.

Be aware that as an individual citizen within our society, you are to some extent supporting it, the good and the bad, and the ugly. As an individual you can also choose to begin to ask more questions of what exactly it is that you are supporting.

Individually we can also strive to act, to bring more harmony into our lives and into our interreactions with the world. We can set an example, blaze a path, exlore the terrain for solutions.

For it is precicely because we are collectively acting out of harmony with our home that we have created enviromental problems. Seek to contribute to more harmony. Aim to become a well-being.

Do your own bit to make the world a better place. Contribute to the process of finding the solutions by being part of the solution. Where you can, try to inspire others to do the same.

The solutions are waiting if we choose to embrace them.


"It is in OURSELVES, who caused the problem, that we can find the solution".