Its Christmas time!

kerst 2009 en nieuwjaar 2010 211.jpg

Because its Christmas time I thought an appropriate photo must include.... some snow!

No doubt you too have received a bunch of nostalgic looking Christmas cards....with pictures of snow on them! Every year I get them... and every year they seem just that little bit more redundant.

Nostalgic yes, but here in the northern hemisphere the traditional notions of a traditional white Christmas seem to be mostly an illusion these days, certainly where I come from.

Indeed last Christmas the media was full of stories of camping , barbecues and unseasonal butterflies.

All of which makes Christmas a great time to appreciate that for whatever reason , our climate and weather patterns appear to be changing dramatically in a surprisingly short time period.

I have today discovered two articles on the David Suzuki website that I would highly recommend to anyone who fancies a bit of perspective change over the festive period. One a bit lighter in tone than the other.

The first is entitled ''12 ways to green your holidays'' at . The second is entitled ''tread lightly to lift the burden of the world".

I would suggest that the second article contains some insights that may help explain the mystery of the disappearing snow.

Wishing you a merry, meaning full Christmas.