Not bothered? You should be.

TheWWF Living Planet report 2014, ( )makes for uncomfortable reading for it seems the sun is setting on our natural world as mankinds exploitation of our planet continues to escalate.

It contains some truly disturbing statistics and a quick search of the internet will reveal a number of excellent newspaper articles summarising the reports findings. For example The Telegraph, has an  articles by Sarah Knapham 30th sept 2014.

In essence the report highlights that since 1970 half of the worlds wild animals have dissapeared.

In fact a 52% overall decline is reported and this has occurred in the last 40 years.

I would ask you to consider that statistic quietly when you have time. Ask yourself where are we likely to be in another 40 years?

I can help in that. Just think about a rapidly growing world population which seems intent on emulating our western example of a model lifestyle. Think about the ever increasing demands which will shortly be made on a world of natural resources already stretched to the limit.

Think about the resulting stresses which will be impacting on an already depleted natural world, or about the species that are currently needlessly being hunted to the point of extinction. Think about the enormous loss of habitat, that has already taken place,.

Consider the enormous wastefullness, the wanton,  often unecessary consumption binge that many of us have been indulging in. Consider the society that accepts this and encourages it.

The trends are pointing in one direction. I am part of the baby boomer generation that is leading us over a precipice. Any child born today will inherit a severely diminished world, because my generation failed to appreciate its responsibilities. It failed to lead.

Somehow we got caught up in an illusion of a brave new world a modern utopia which is creating one dangerous problem after another.

If things continue as they are then if I am Lucky enough to get to 80 years old, I will personally be witness to a world which has changed beyond recognition, in my life span. A depleted world. A more unfriendly world. A diminished world which shines less brightly.

Do you  wish to be part of that legacy? Is there some hope? some Joy to be found in this situation?

I refer back to the living planet report..

"Things look so worrying that it may seem difficult to feel positive about the future. Difficult certainly, but not impossible, because it is in ourselves who have caused the problem, that we can find the solution. Now we must work to Ensure that the upcoming generation can seize the opportunity that we have so far failed to grasp, to close this destructive chapter in our history and build a future where people can live and prosper in harmony with nature.''

It continues further.....

" We are all connected... and collectively we have the potential to create the solutions that will safeguard the future of this, our one and only planet".

To any one who ever may read this post I would say you should be bothered because it is your quality of life, your home that we are talking about. It affects you, your family, those you love. The younger you are, the more you have to loose.

The next living planet report is apparently due out on the 27th of october 2016.  Look out for it, for when it comes it will no doubt give more food for thought. 

Only you can take responsibility for working on your own world.. Maybe you already take that responsibility seriously. If not why not?