Welcome To The World Renovation Project



If you have been following my blog posts, then you will notice some changes to the site which I hope are clear enough. For this is the day that I unleash The World Renovation Project  on the World.


It just so happens that today is the 28th of January 2017, which coincidentally happens to be Chinese New Year, the Year of the Rooster. Also coincidentally, as I write these words it is still early morning and dark, and for the last hour or so the neighbours cockerels have been exceptionally vocal.

I really hope that that is an auspicious start for WORP. This very much is a leap of faith. The concept flies in the face of many conventional wisdoms, but its basis is a wisdom that knows its time to do something.


Success or failure, it will bring with it the knowledge and peace of mind that comes from trying to make a difference. Whether it succeeds or fails is ultimately not up to me, its up to people like you . And what exactly is success or failure on an enterprise such as this?

Who knows who in the world shall read this? It is a bit like sending out a message in a bottle. If ONE person is motivated into action by this, who knows what impact they could go onto have.

Who knows what sort of transformative ideas they could in turn unleash. What sort of difference they could this make to the world?

What if it was TWO people?... What if it was TWO THOUSAND people?

ONE person is enough to make a difference, but in a world of interconnectivity, I would not like to try to guess who will get the message in a bottle I am sending out to the World.

SO... what is this strange thing called the World Renovation Project?


Basically its a concept me and the dogs came up with on one of our walks.

We could see that in the craziness of a modern world that is constantly and rapidly changing, the natural World can no longer cope. We could also see that a lot of people (me included), were also struggling.

We concluded that Nature needs a helping hand, and that personal direct action was best.

Later on as we worked through it, we concluded that in a modern World that increasingly resembles a star trek reality, our old stone age mindsets and ways of acting/behaving were not working.

Whether we know it or not, a lot of us are also struggling to make sense of things. Just like the natural world, many of us are also struggling to survive in a rapidly changing modern world. We were not hard wired for it.

To be clear, the objective is to boost Biodiversity and the natural World. Any secondary personal benefits, perceived or actual are a bye product and cannot be guaranteed. However I genuinely believe they are there for anyone who cares to find them.


Because I believe that time is of the essence in getting into action, we thought why not try this idea out now. It is a work in progress, it is still evolving. Like an uncut diamond, it may not look like much now, but I believe in time, it could become something beautiful.

In this work I am planting a seed. I hope the idea, the concept will grow organically and take on a life of its own.

Like all seeds it will benefit from some TLC , some water, light, nutrients. In this case whether it grows or withers will depend on whether people such as you find it a good idea, adopt it and support it.

Like all seeds, after planting it, you have to be....patient.



NO ONE else is coming to the rescue on this one. Like it or not, WE are the cavalry. Ordinary people, you and me, us, we are the cavalry.

Potentially... If we can become assets to the world. Contributors.

Currently I don't see another option. For we have a rapidly escalating world population who aspire to lifestyles that make them liabilities. How can you change that? Do you have an idea that might help?

Connecting what is good for nature with what is good for people can only help. I hope that the idea, the principle or philosophy, whatever you want to call it will take hold, prosper and grow.

A growing seed is a wonder. From acorns mighty oak trees grow. The Roosters are still crowing, so who knows?






  •  nature