Do YOU have a Social Conscience?


One theme that runs through this perspective is being open enough to look and see what is wrong, before we can hope to fix it.

For whats the point in fixing a tap, if its the light that's not working.

Right now we could do with a little light shined on a few things that no longer make any sense.

What is abundantly clear is that our modern society has become increasingly dysfunctional. See the recent news around an Oxfam report (an economy for the 99%).

In an article dated 16 january 2017 entitled ''Even it up" they  state  that " 8 men own the same wealth as the 3.6 Billion people who make up the poorest half of humans according to a new report published today''.

The article can be viewed on their website (

It seems that the process of globalisation which has been a hallmark of the modern world, has not only been dangerous to the health of our natural world. A rot has set in to our modern society itself.

The increasing economic divide in our society, the process of wealth concentration in a few hands is a dangerous precedent for the future.

Wealth is not trickling down through the economy. It is not heading in the direction of the poor and dispossessed. It is being sucked by a magnetic force in the direction of a privileged minority, while it eludes those who need it most.

Our monetary system is stagnating as pools of money coagulate in concentrated pools. For a lot of the world its just not circulating at all. It is not benefitting. It is not reaching. Its not working

So what has gone wrong?

This is a complex issue. There are many causes, and the international trend away from workers rights to a form of protectionism for business and finance is part of it.

Around the world, workers are increasingly being marginalised, while groups such as shareholders , directors , bankers are increasingly being increasingly rewarded and in some cases protected.

A transfer of wealth has been underway for years, and the poor and working classes around the world have been paying the price for it.

We live in a world where rewards are also being distorted by an unfair marketplace. Where real value and contribution is increasingly not being recognised and rewarded appropriately.

 A World where CEO's earn ever greater multiples of a workers salary. Where kicking a football is infinitely more valuable than the ability to save lives.

Increasingly our society idolises the trivial, and is loosing sight of value or reality.

Homogenous, boring globalisation. Rampant commercialisation and consumption. Privatisation. Confiscation of the worldwide heritage, for the benefit of the few.

Yes, power can be corrupting. It can be abused. There are plenty of examples of that daily on the news.... HOWEVER...

It can also be used as a transformative power for GOOD. For Capitalism, when combined with caring, with compassion ,can be used to generate good. It all depends ultimately on what damage is done on the way to capitalistic victory, and what good is done with the end result. The proceeds.

Once you have it, the capital, you have a choice,. To use it all yourself, if you can, or to do something noble with it.

There are powerful examples of the benevolence of wealthy patrons making huge differences. Andrew Carnegie is an exceptional one, and a super example to anyone currently lucky enough to find themselves in the top economic elite.

Luckily there also seem to be modern day equivalents, who have expressed a willingness to follow that noble lead. Reportedly a number of people to be found in the list of the eight richest people are also planning on doing something similar.

Just think what good could be achieved if that example was embraced by more of this group. What sort of legacy of love for the world that would amount too. What a difference that could make. What could then be possible.

Why waste valuable resources to conquer space, when we have so much to do to ensure that our own space, this wonderfull planet earth, remains a life sustaining one? Why not use them to ring fence and protect vital natural resources that are under threat.

Why not undertake your own massive renovation projects to bring life back to the large areas already laid waste by human activity?. Why not create new forests that can help influence climates and bring lasting relief from issues such as local droughts?

Why not help by using these financial resources to bring more life sustaining enviroments back to this planet , and to protect those we have.

That would have a lasting impact. That would be a lasting legacy. It would benefit generations of people. It could play a priceless role in helping sustain a life supporting environment for us all.

For generations people would have reason to celebrate and remember such philanthropy. For right now such acts could make an enormous difference.

After all is said and done, what is the point in being ridiculously wealthy in a world that's struggling for survival?

In a world of interconnectivity, ultimately all our fates are linked together. Its important at this time to have a social conscience.

Its important to leave a legacy of love for our HOME.