The Wonder of Winter

Winter is my favourite time of the year. There is something special about the cosy darkness and the quality of the light(when it comes),

The weather can also get the upper hand so as on Saturday here.

We woke to a white world of snow. Because it was hazy there was a grey veil wrapped around the landscape. Traffic lay still. For a short period nature had won.

Looking out from the front of the house you could believe that the world stopped somewhere just out there. It was like looking out over the end of the world. No houses, no cars, no movement apart from the birds.

Nothing human moved. Stillness. Rest. Solitude. Quiet.

Given the right conditions even cities can fall silent under the velvet force of snow.

Sometimes we get a phenomena called ice rain, when the roads can directly freeze and people can ice skate on the roads.

But even in the depths of winter, if you brave the cold, you can see signs of life in the garden.. In a sheltered spot a winter Jasmin with cheerful yellow flowers has been blooming since December..

Look further and you can see spring bulbs beginning to form, ready for early spring which after all is not so far away. That means with luck the garden should have year round something blooming..

Walking in the snow with the dogs is a real Joy. They really know how to enjoy themselves in it. Just as children they have a sense of playful wonder and spontaneity.

Apart from the birds you may not see much movement , but the snow tells the tale of what has passed that way. The sound of it crunching under foot. Even dodging the icy bits.

The World has wonder in it.