Its been a long hot summer. Personally intense and intense for the world.
Every life has its challenges, and sometimes those of the people you care about affect you most.
Meanwhile World wide headlines talk of droughts and fires, and no doubt this may turn out to be a watershed moment that defines the debate on climate change . Unfortunately it is real and accelerating.
A few weeks ago i visited my mothers 'wildlife garden"" , an early inspiration for me and very well established (40 plus years!). I was shocked at how burnt it was and how even well established plants were struggling to survive.
Unprecedented. Worrying. the boundaries of survival for many species are being pushed to the limit.
But there are some winners. Butterflys are mostly doing well this year and luckily after a poor start, i have the feeling that the swallows, house martins and swifts here have somewhat recovered.
At the moment our natural world still has that resiliance, but it is being strained to the limits.. how much further before it cannot cope?
Its time for more meaningfull action to help it.