Why worry, why hurry, SLOW down.

We are all so engrossed in our busy lives that we speed through them, often unnecessarily.

But here's the thing ... SPEED KILLS...It kills your quality of life... your ability to appreciate it...and it literally kills. It extinguishes life unnecessarily.

Why am I mentioning it again here?

Because all to often on our daily walks, we come across beautiful birds, otherwise completely healthy, lying dead by the side of the road. Killed by unnecessary haste.

Birds such as swallows and wagtails, which have successfully survived a long migration (an amazing feat of endurance), only to die completely unnecessarily at the side of a road.

In times of migration they are particularly vulnerable, and that includes now. Why?...

Because we have so denuded our landscapes here in Europe, that they are increasingly forced to forage along roadsides,  precisely the wrong place to be in this age of improved car performance.

We have an obsession with improved infra-structure and faster roads... despite the fact that faster cars emit more damage to the enviroment

A few days ago I had to stop to put a pigeon out of its misery. It had been hit and left stranded on the road. I picked it up. It looked at me, a beautiful healthy bird, which had been irrepairably harmed.

I am Pro-Life and that poor bird was just another example of how our natural world is struggling to cope with us.

The message here is simple... please slow down and help Life... or put another way...slow down and enjoy the ride